Chives | |
Sometime around the last week of May is a short period where the only
colours in the garden are purple and white. Soon the lilies,
blanketflowers, and peony come out and bring a riot of colour, but I
enjoy this subdued colour scheme for a few days.
A corner between the front steps and walkway is devoted to just Lily of the Valley. They're just finished blooming, and the tiny bells are turning papery and falling off. The glossy green leaves last all summer.
In the back yard, a large, old-fashioned spirea bush is tucked under the lilac. It takes over blooming when the lilac ends, and is covered with big balls of tiny white flowers.
Lily of the Valley |
Spirea |
Hosta, False Solomon's Seal, Oak |
A hosta with white stripes matches the colour scheme. It and False Solomon's Seal flourish in the shade at the base of our massive and ancient oak.
Iris |
Columbine |
Columbine is one of my favourites, and this hardy one self-seeds every year. When I looked up the Star of Bethlehem I was surprised to see it listed as a "noxious weed". I think it's very pretty!
Star of Bethlehem |